
Vendor Portalis an internal tool to optimize Moda Operandi's inbound process in the supply chain. My Role: I led product design end-to-end. Designed purchase order confirmation feature and shipping authorization feature from scratch.

Achievement: On 9/12, we cutover approx. 90% of our brands to the Vendor Portal have asked the buying team to submit all POs (Purchase Order) through to the Vendor Portal. 61% of all POs confirmed post-cutover (on or after 9/12) have been confirmed via Vendor Portal.

A Case Study-Order Comfirmation

The Problem

Vendors currently review and confirm Purchase Orders (PO) over multiple emails. MA and Ops create, update PO and request order confirmation (OC), and manually check if PO matches OC. Design Scope: Complete new design of new business initiatives.

Pain Points

● Vendors communicate changes of PO and OCs over multiple emails. It is time-consuming. ● Brands ops manually correct errors of OC doesn’t match PO. ● There is no easy way to track PO changes at a single place.

Hypothesis and Business Benifits

Suppose we can have vendors to review and confirm the purchase order in the Vendor Portal. In that case, we can simplify the workflow by removing the step of requesting an Order Confirmation letter from Vendors. Business Benefits: ● Streamline internal process ● Scale up business: quickly onboard new brands (Payee, shipping terms, etc.), and automate post-market brands operation. ● Generate revenue: reduce operational cost, reduce cancellations, assist in generating revenue with new brands.

The Challenge

● Recruit pilot users for beta testing ● Vendor engagement Rate - Achieve 30% User adoption

Design Process


Users Landscape Mapping: A holistic approach to identify problems and opportunities


MVP User Interface


A Case Study-Shipping Authorization

The Problem

Currently, our logistic team manually create shipping labels for 1600 brands. As our business grows (projected increasing growth by 50%), it is not easy to scale our business.

Business Benefit

● Scalability ● Reduce manual processes ● Improve efficiency Indirect business benefit: ● Reduce the # of shipping delays ● # of incorrect QTY, size, styles, received

Design Process

Research- What the current process is like?

referral referral

Research- What our inbound process is like?


Create High Fidelity Prototype and Conduct User Testings

Conduct User Testings

Entry Point - Select PO to start shipping authorization


Add items to ship


Zero Result


Clear Search


Add Shipping and package details


Review and Submit


User Interface Design


What are our users saying so far?

"wow I mean WOW this vendor portal keeps getting better and better you guys need to copyright this! :)"

- Designer Brand: Uncommon Matters

"It was easy to use - it was a great experience overall!"

- Designer Brand: Michi

"Well received - love this!"

- Designer Brand: Rosie Assoulin

"Things are going very smoothly so far and it saves us so much time."

- Sue, Special Orders Team

Design consumer-facing checkout experience

Build assumptions, and dig into data to validate the assumption. Insights from research: Existing customer checkout is nine times greater than guest checkout on mobile, and two times greater on desktop. Redesign checkout experience to make current customer checkout more seamless by reducing steps.

User Flow amex amex amex

Research - Warehourse shipping process


Design Workshop - JTBD


Visualize the system flow - A holistic view of the entire Moda eCommerce flow
