
Makecent is a digital cash ecosystem, powered by blockchain, that allows merchants and consumers to easily and more efficiently transact.

How does Makecents work? Customers pay a purchase with cash. Using their phone, they collect the remaining change into their MakeCents digital wallet. They later can spend at merchants from the balance in MakeCents directly.

My Roles: My Roles: I was the solo lead UX/UI/Visual designer, work on the end-to-end design. I am thrilled to use my creativity, strategic thinking, UCD skills, and analytic thinkings to help the team launch user-friendly and visually-appealing iOS app and Android app.

The problem

For payments of $10 or less, Americans used cash 66% of the time. 63% of millennials do not have a credit card. 26.9% of US households are either unbanked or underbanked. On any given day, $50B worth of coins are circulating in the US. They often end up carrying coins, and the coins always got lost. The cash purchase experience is cumbersome.

The solution

Buyers can pay purchase with cash. At the point of sale, the merchant will scan the barcode within the buyers' MakeCents digital wallet, buyers collect the remaining change into their digital wallet. They later can spend the money from the balance in the Makecents wallet at the point of sale.

Challenge #1: How to educate users how does Makecents work?


What do customers care about the most is they don't have to carry coins. I conduct a competitive analysis of the onboarding experience. Here are vital findings 1) Only phone number or email required - Bank account optional; 2) What they have in common is the onboarding experience communicates users' benefits upfront. For example, users care about how to save money the most. 3) Suggest using illustration+ straightforward copywriting. 4) Creat Help center to educate and guide users. 4) Username/password is not a must to have in creating a digital wallet account. Gives users the option to resend password later. 5) Consider imitating the experience of after sign up. Then I create creative illustrations to help customers understand the benefits of using Make cents.

Onboarding Iteration


Final Mockup


Challenge #2: How to motivate first time users?



What is payment/collect changes flow like?


Hifidelity Mockups for iOS App


Hifidelity Mockups for Android App


How does the Merchant collect payment?


Wireframe Examples for Merchant app



